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Company Status

Company Status

The company status provides an overview of the company's current operational status. It is visible at the top of the company page. If the status is empty, it means there are no issues that require attention.


Company status checks are performed only for companies that are in active monitoring status. The number of companies that can be monitored is limited by the subscription plan.

Company Status Message Types


  • Used to provide general information about the company.
  • Informs the user about the company's performance.


  • Used to inform the user about potential issues that require attention.
  • Warns the user about possible concerns with the company's status.


  • Used to alert the user about critical issues that require immediate attention.
  • Indicates severe problems that need to be addressed promptly.

Company Status Checks

Automated company status checks are performed on the following aspects of the company:

Company Age Status

  • Less than 2 months: Indicates the company is very new.
    • Severity: Critical
  • Less than 1 year: Indicates the company has been operating for less than a year.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Missing age information: No data about the company's age.
    • Severity: Warning

Company Sector Status

  • Missing Company Sector: No data about the company's sector.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Unknown Company Sector: Insufficient information to determine sector.
    • Severity: Critical
  • Public Sector / Associations and Foundations: Limited information available, manual processing suggested.
    • Severity: Info or Warning

Company Address

  • Missing Company Address: The company has no registered address.
    • Severity: Critical
  • Missing Company Website: The company has no website.
    • Severity: Info

Operational Status

  • Company Not Operational: The company has ceased operations.
    • Severity: Critical

Company Registries

  • Missing EPR Registration: The company is not in the preliminary tax collection registry.
    • Severity: Critical
  • Missing VAT Registration: The company is not registered to collect VAT.
    • Severity: Critical

Responsible Persons

  • All Recently Changed: All responsible persons were changed recently.
    • Severity: Critical


  • No Rating: No rating data was found.
    • Severity: Critical
  • C Rating: Indicates poor financial status.
    • Severity: Critical
  • B Rating: Indicates declining financial status.
    • Severity: Warning
  • New Rating: Company is too new to have a proper financial status evaluation.
    • Severity: Warning


  • Unresolved Payment Remarks: The company has unresolved payment remarks.
    • Severity: Critical
  • Recent Resolved Remarks: The company had recently resolved payment remarks.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Older Paid Remarks: Remarks exist but are older than 1 year and have been paid.
    • Severity: Info

Company Open Source Intelligence

  • Public Financial Information Missing: Unable to find financial data for the company.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Inactive Domain: The company domain is not registered.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Parked Domain: The company domain is parked.
    • Severity: Warning

Company Person Status Checks

Email Status

  • Very High Email Score: Associated contact person has a very high email score.
    • Severity: Critical
  • High Email Score: Associated contact person has a high email score.
    • Severity: Warning
  • Email Not Connected to Company: Associated email is not connected to the company.
    • Severity: Warning

Phone Number Status

  • Phone Number Not Connected to Company: Associated phone number is not connected to the company.
    • Severity: Warning