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Available Basic Information

When retrieving information about a company from the commercial register, the system provides a set of basic details. The specific data points included in the basic information section can vary depending on the locale and the available data for each country.


Please note that the availability and format of the basic information can differ for each locale.

General Information

  • Name
  • Business ID: The company's business ID or equivalent
  • Country
  • Legal Form: The legal form of the company
  • Industry: Industry TOL code
  • Sector: The sector of the company according to our classification
  • Created at: When the company was created in the system
  • Modified at: When last modifications were made

Contact Information

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Street Address
  • Homepage

E-Invoicing Details

E-invoicing details

E-invoicing details are currently available for Finnish Companies Only

Receiving Invoice Address

  • Operator
  • Operator Code
  • OVT

Sending Invoice Address

  • Operator
  • Operator Code
  • OVT

Please remember that the basic information provided serves as a starting point and allows you to gain initial insights into the company's status and details.