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Company Person Decision


The Company Person Decision is our flagship feature, used by various financial institutions to determine the association between an enterprise and an individual. This feature is particularly valuable during the automated onboarding processes where a person is attempting to register as a business representative.


The feature analyzes key data points to ascertain if a connection can be made between a company and a person. This analysis includes checking the following elements:

  • Company phone number
  • Company email address
  • Representation rights by referring to the commercial registry for listed managers
  • Existing knowledge of the company-person combination from other product interactions
  • Human-verified approvals

The service aggregates data from varied sources, alongside the implementation of sophisticated fraud detection methodologies to deliver a binary response. This response indicates the presence or absence of a verified link between the individual and the company.

Only trust verified information

A connection between a company and a person does not necessarily imply that the person is a legitimate representative of the company. It only indicates that a connection exists.

Verifying Identity

It is important to note that merely providing information of a company representative should never be enough for authorization. The identity should be verified, or at least the access to the email and/or phone number provided.

Accessing the Feature


Primary means of accessing the Company Person Decision feature is via the API. The API endpoint is available at:

Using feature in the Portal

The Company Person Decision feature can be accessed via the portal under the "company representatives" section. This section allows users to input the necessary information and submit it for processing.


Upon processing, the system issues a decision that may be accompanied by additional contextual details such as method of verification, sources used, and other relevant analytics.

Further Information

For exhaustive documentation on the Company Person Decision service including detailed API endpoint descriptions, parameters, and usage guidelines, please visit our developer portal:

Full API Documentation

The documentation provides all the necessary instruction sets to integrate and make efficient use of this decision-making feature in your systems.